SnoFalls Ladies Policies
Governing Documents
1. All competition and tournaments will be played according to the USGA rules and such modifications as the Tournament Committee may adopt. Disputed points and clarifications of local rules shall be referred to the Tournament and Rules Committee.
2. Starting times on Tuesdays for competition play will be between 8:30 and 10:30 am. Draw times will be at the discretion of the Captain.
3. To hold 18 hole competition at least 5 members must start the round. For 9 Holes and for the Red Tee division 3 members must start the round.
4. To be in competition, a member must be playing with another member of the club.
5. In weekly competition, a minimum of three players must sign up in any division. If less than three, the players will enter the next lower division, except for the Red Tee division.
6. During the Winter, 9-hole competition handicap divisions may be disregarded at the discretion of the Tournament Committee.
7. Putts, Monthly Medal and Match vs. Par competitions no longer have year-end awards.
8. Eclectics, birdie and chip-in competitions will have year-end awards. Competition scores will include regular competition days, tournaments and all club functions. The competition runs for 12 months, November 1 through October 31st.
9. Hole-in-one insurance: The Ladies Club will award up to $100 for a hole-in-one during a club competition, which is to be used for drinks for members.
1. Any trees under three feet are considered to be tagged or staked. Relief of one club length, no nearer the hole, may be taken without penalty.
2. Winter rules: A ball on the fairway may be lifted, cleaned and moved one club length, not nearer the hole. A ball in the rough may be lifted, cleaned and moved 6 inches not nearer the hole. A ball in the rough must remain in the rough. Mark your ball before lifting.
3. Play of summer or winter rules will be consistent with what the course is playing as determined by the pro shop staff.
4. Players must “putt out” on all greens except for temporary greens where there is a 2 putt maximum and except in a match play tournament when an opponent “gives” putts.
5. Playing members shall be fully and appropriately dressed during competition. Short shorts halter tops, midriff and strapless tops are not acceptable.
1. Regular playing memberships in this organization shall be open to all women, exclusive of “honorary life” memberships.
2. Prospective members will contact the Membership Chairman to apply for membership. The Membership Chairman will determine if all qualifications for membership have been met before dues will be accepted.
3. New members must establish proof of handicap or present to the Membership Chairman a minimum of five score cards with the following criteria:
a. each card must have a score for 18 holes.
b. each card must be dated within the past year.
A temporary handicap will then be established prior to the new member entering weekly club competition. Members having a handicap exceeding 40 must play to a 40.
4. Dues of $90.00 per year ($20 for a social membership) are payable January 1st. Dues must be paid before entering any club competition.
5. “Honorary Life”: Membership can be awarded to honor a former member or members of long-standing. “Honorary Life” membership will be awarded by a majority vote during a full-club meeting. “Honorary Life” members have the full privileges of active members except that they pay no dues to the club.
6. Eligibility for tournaments:
a. Captain’s Cup: play requirement removed for 2020.
b. Club Championship: All participants must have played in 18-hole weekly competition at least three (new for 2020) times in the current year and have a permanent handicap.
7. Obligations and Discipline: The acceptance of membership in the Snoqualmie Falls Ladies Club shall bind each member to comply with all the rules and regulations of the Club and its Directors acting within its jurisdiction. The refusal or neglect of a member to comply with such rules and regulations, or with the decisions of the Board of Directors, shall render such member liable to suspension or expulsion by a two-thirds affirmation of the Board of Directors.
No member may be expelled from the Club without formal written charges from the Captain of the Snoqualmie Falls Ladies Club, and an opportunity for the said member to be heard by the Board of Directors, and to present witnesses and evidence, if necessary, in her defense.