Our Duffers
Please submit any humorous or duffer incidents with our ladies and they may be posted here. If you don’t want names to be public you can check “no” on the submission form. If you would like an image posted please email to Liz, issypal@paldom.com.
May 3, 2022, submitted by Lin Skwarski
Robin Schmitt had a shoe issue
When checking in to the pro shop, Robin was looking at new shoes. Found out that she had brought 2 right footed golf shoes from home, hence, looking for a pair of shoes to wear for today. She just knew 2 right footed shoes would not work-lol. It was a beautiful pair of white shoe she ended up getting. Picture taken on the 16th tee box of her new shoes.
October 15, 2019, submitted by Janice Reid

No one likes to lose a brand new ball, especially a red one.
Lena hit her brand new red ball toward the out of bounds fence. She looked for that ball, walking, trying to step on it to find it. I was golfing with Barb Johannessen, Connie Shipp and Lena. She never found her ball. As we were leaving the green, she looked back toward the fence, hoping she would see it. We had a fun day.
July 9, 2019, submitted by Gloria
I have a story that rates The Duffer. Janice and I were golfing with Marian and Karen today. We were on the 11th hole, Janice hits her shot and we look back wondering what happened to Marian. She could not get her golf cart started, so she called the Proshop; so here comes David and Trevor, with two carts. One for her and one to go back to the Club House. David goes to check out her cart and he realizes her key is not on. He turns the key and the cart starts. Good thing the foursome behind us did not have to wait for us. I know it does not involve hitting the ball, but Janice and I thought it was pretty funny. All four of us had a good laugh.