Competition Formats
HANDICAP STROKE HOLES: On a scorecard one row of figures is marked “Handicap holes”. #1 handicap hole is considered the hardest hole on the course, #2 the second hardest and so on down through the 18 holes. An 18 handicapper receives one stroke on each hole; a 19 receives two strokes on the #1 handicap hole; a 20 receives two strokes on the #1 and the #2 handicap holes, etc. If your handicap is less than 18 you take away strokes starting with the #18 handicap hole. Use the Ladies Handicaps.
Handicaps over 40 must play to a 40 for Ladies Club competitions.
YOUR PAR: Your par is par for each hole plus the handicap allotted to you.
GROSS: Your actual score for the round.
NET: Your actual score for the round minus your full handicap.
MONTHLY MEDAL: Your score for the round minus your full handicap.
MATCH VS. PAR: You are playing a match against par for the course using your par for each hole. If you are even with your par for the hole mark an empty column with 0; if you are over your par mark a minus; if you are under your par mark a plus. At the end of the round add the pluses then subtract the minuses for your competition score.
POINTS: Figure your score for each hole with handicap and assign points as follows: 1 for bogey, 2 for par, 3 for birdie, 4 for eagle (2 under par) and 5 for albatross (3 under par).
ECCLECTIC NINE: Your lowest score on any 9 of the 18 holes played, less 1/2 your handicap.
BETTER NINE: Your lowest score on either the front or the back nine of the 18 holes played, less 1/2 your handicap.
BEST SEVENTEEN: Throw out the worst hole, subtract it from your score, less full handicap.
PUTTS OR FAIRWAYS: Keep track of your score and putts. A draw will determine which will be used for competition. If fairways, subtract your putts from your gross score, less 1/2 your handicap. If putts, it is your total strokes taken on the putting greens.
ODD OR EVEN: Total all odd numbered or even numbered holes minus 1/2 your handicap. A draw at the end of play will determine which will be used.
MOST PARS: Total number of pars or better using your par for each hole.
SUBSTITUTE PAR ONE HOLE EACH NINE: Substitute par for your worst hole on each nine, less full handicap.
TOMBSTONE OR FLAG TOURNAMENT: Using full handicap, play until you use the number of strokes equal to par plus your handicap. Plant your flag after using your quota of strokes, going extra holes if needed. Our Turkey Shoot is played this way.
VARIOUS PARS: Your lowest scores on 3 par 3’s, 3 par 4’s and 3 par 5’s, less 1/2 your handicap.
TEE TO GREEN: Putts do not count. Count only your strokes until you reach the green, less 1/2 your handicap. Ties will be broken by matching scores starting at the ninth hole.
THREE CLUBS AND A PUTTER: Only carry three clubs of your choice and a putter.
MUTT & JEFF: Count strokes on all par 3’s and par 5’s only. The winner is the player that makes the lowest score on the par-3 and par-5 holes, less 1/2 handicap.
N.O.S.E. : Total your scores on all the holes that begin with the letters N, O, S, E (1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 16, 17, 18) less half your handicap.
SCRAMBLE: Each team consists of 4 players. On each hole each team member drives and the best drive is selected. Each team member then plays the second shot from that spot, where the selected shot lies, and this continues until the hole is completed. You must use each player’s drive at least 3 times. Your team’s score is the gross score less an average of the four handicaps. All ties will be honored. This can be played with 2 man teams also.
MEMBER-MEMBER COMPETITION: This tournament is played with partners using the following formats: Holes 1-6: Alternate shot–Both partners tee off on the first hole only. Pick the better drive and proceed to play that ball, alternating players, until the ball is holed out. The player who did not hole out will tee off on the next hole. Holes 7-12: Net best ball–both players play the hole and the best NET score for each hole is used. Holes 13-18: Scramble–each player drives and the better drive is selected. Each partner then plays the second shot from the spot where the selected drive lies, and the better second shot is selected. This is repeated until the hole is completed. You must use each player’s drive 3 times.
PAYOUTS: One place is paid for every three competitors in a division that start the round, up to three places per division. All ties are paid. The winnings are available for purchases in the pro shop.